Fan Mail for the website

Kathy Coons, Aug. 2002
I want to thank you so much for the work that you do. I admire and appreciate your activism, dedication, web site, news letter, etc. $50 per year is a small amount to pay to help you with this important work, I wish I could give more. AND, thank you for the email account with the bicycleaustin address. The web site and the newsletter are terrific!

Rich Cutler, May 2002
Thanks by the way for all you do for bicycling in Austin. I am new to the city and your website is the best I have seen on bicycle commuting anywhere.

Kim Tarnower, 12-7-00
I simply am impressed by the good fight I see you waging in your extensive and comprehensive website. I am a fair weather commuter (only during daylight savings time because I won't ride after dark) so the issues you address are of great interest to me. But I am not worthy!!! I don't have the time (or make the time) to make bicycle advocacy a part of my life. That's why you are my hero, because you are doing the work that needs to be done that will benefit me and all Austin cyclists. And I love your show no mercy style of expression. I hope you do not work too hard on toning down your style. It is that edge that gives your voice its power and makes what you say very compelling.

Anonymous, 7-13-00
I am from the Washington, D.C. area (Springfield, Virginia) and I want to thank you for your web site. Beautiful and to the point.

Catherine Calhoun, 7-2-00
Thank you for the newsletter and for the site you maintain. I have found the resources invaluable!

Bob Farr, 5-9-00
Just rediscovered your web site. Discovered and read your new Bad Media article, which indicates just how long it's been since I visited. Well done!

I truly admire your writing and perspective on the issues. Not only that, your efforts on the website provide a valuable history lesson for everyone in Austin. I'm blown away all over again.

Lisa Machac, 2-28-00
I just wanted to thank you for providing such a greatsite. I am relatively new at riding as alternate trans., and I have a ton of questions. Literally every time i have had a question i find the answer on your site (or at least an opinion)! Thanks so much!


Fan Mail for the newsletter

Tom O'Neill, Nov. 2003, Tom's Tables
That is a real keeper and an immediate need to read.  I bike austin daily and use the info you provide and reference as parts of my armaments to survive it.

Eric Lawrence, 6-30-00
The newsletter and website are great. I'm really glad you're doing it. Way to go! Now, if we could just get some of those motorists (you know the ones) to read it.

Curtis Eastberg, 6-23-00
It's always a pleasure reading your newsletters, they're so informative and enlightening -- keep up the good work!

Randall Terrell, 6-23-00
You,sir are a born political organizer. My fiancée and I did vote for Alvarez because of your endorsement. We appreciate your efforts and good work. Thank you.

Chris Symank, 6-17-00
I really like the interview questions you asked Alvarez and Quintanilla, great work on that.

Chris Chypyha, 6-16-00
A great read, folks. I bike commute in Edmonton Alberta Canada. The group I belong to (Edmonton Bicycle Commuters) likes your idea of the e-newsletter to members. Going to work something up for our own members -- I hope.

Fan Mail for the email discussion list

Kathy Oates, 6-16-00
Thanks for the info and thanks for the opportunity to be on this list.... I think your list is making a great impact on what happens to Austin in the future. (For the positive.) Thanks for all you do.

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