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Minutes for Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee of Urban Transportation Commission

Thu., June 3, 2004, at 6:30 p.m.
One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Rd. 8th Floor Conference Room
UTC members present: Tommy Eden, chair Mike Dahmus
Others present: Preston Tyree Scott Johnson
1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE PEDESTRIAN PLAN WITH REGARD TO PEDESTRIAN RIGHT OF WAY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENTS Tommy Eden reported that he had contacted Mike Librik, who was responsible for preparing this proposal. Mike Librik had agreed that the issue should be removed from the list of pending issues until he was ready with a formal proposal.
3. PROPOSAL TO ADD A BICYCLE-RELATED MESSAGE TO THE MESSAGE SIGN OUTSIDE OF PALMER AUDITORIUM Scott Johnson reported that the person responsible for this issue was Bob Sessa, who was not present. It was unclear exactly what kind of message people would like to see on the message sign at Palmer Auditorium; the sign currently reads, "DRIVE CAREFULLY." It was also unclear just how many words could fit on the sign. Mike Dahmus suggested posting a request for suggestions about what message should be displayed. Tommy Eden agreed to include the issue again in the agenda for the next subcommittee meeting.
4. DISCUSSION ABOUT BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PROGRAM BUDGET GOALS AND STAFFING LEVELS Scott Johnson reported that he was being hired to lobby the City Council to improve the budget for the Bicycle-Pedestrian Program. He said that the City Manager had set low goals for the current year's budget in terms of the number of linear feet of new sidewalk to be constructed. Even so, the goals were not being met. He suggested that the City of Austin should add an additional staff member to the Bicycle-Pedestrian Program.
Preston Tyree stated that the City of Austin currently has three staff members who deal with pedestrian or bicycle issues, if the person responsible for ADA issues and the person responsible for the Child Safety Program are counted along with the acting Bicycle-Pedestrian Program Coordinator. One more position in the Bicycle-Pedestrian Program is vacant.
Scott Johnson suggested that the budget should include enough funding to provide responses to requests on the Bicycle Service Line and funds for bicycle and pedestrian needs, such as writing grants for new projects. He suggested that the budget should include salary for at least three Bicycle-Pedestrian staff members.
Preston Tyree reported that the Austin Cycling Association and four or five bike shops are pooling resources to hire Scott Johnson as a lobbyist.
Mike Dahmus suggested that the three staff members for the Bicycle-Pedestrian Program should be (1) a long-range planner, who would be the Program Coordinator, (2) a short-range planner, and (3) an engineering technician.
Tommy Eden suggested that these positions should be included in a formal proposal.
Scott Johnson pointed out that funding was still available for bicycle and pedestrian CIP projects. He said he would look at the current budget, and he agreed to prepare a formal proposal for the next subcommittee meeting.
5.PROPOSALS FOR FACILITIES NEAR THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS CAMPUS (FROM PREVIOUS MEETING): a. BICYCLE LANES ON DEAN KEETON ST. The subcommittee agreed by consensus to recommend the following proposal for approval by the UTC:
The Urban Transportation Commission recommends that the City of Austin establish bike lanes on Dean Keeton Street from Guadalupe Street to Manor Road.
b. BICYCLE LANES ON 21ST ST. Tommy Eden reported that he had discussed this issue with Alan Hughes, who had checked an aerial photograph from 1997, but had not seen that bicycle lanes had previously existed on this section of 21st Street. Tommy Eden believed that the segment had had bicycle lanes before 1997. He had further suggested that space should be sufficient to provide for a bicycle lane adjacent to a bus queuing lane, similar to the one on 11th Street in front of the State Capitol. He agreed to check back again on this proposal and report back to the subcommittee.
c. SIGN FOR BICYCLISTS ON 24TH ST. AT GUADALUPE Tommy Eden reported that he had discussed this proposal with Alan Hughes, who had agreed and had written a work order for a sign reading, "Right lane must turn right EXCEPT BICYCLES." The sign should be posted soon.
6. DISCUSSION ABOUT SETTING PRIORITIES FOR NEW BICYCLE LANES Tommy Eden brought some old documents from the last century which listed some of the criteria under consideration. Mike Dahmus said that the criteria in the documents were included in one of the files attached to his spreadsheet, but that he still had some work to do before the spreadsheet would be ready.
7. DISCUSSION ABOUT NEXT BICYCLE-PEDESTRIAN SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DATE AND AGENDA Mike Dahmus suggested that Colly Kreidler should be extended a special invitation to attend the next subcommittee meeting in mid-July in the hope that he could provide more information regarding the following projects:
Big Stripe, which has recently reached the top of TxDOT's waiting list for bidding Loop 360 Bridge sidewalks, especially with regard to the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority's toll road proposal University of Texas issues discussed in item 5 above
Tommy Eden agreed to request that Colly Kreidler bring the engineering drawings for the projects in the Big Stripe Project.
The next meeting will be after the July 4 holiday, probably on July 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


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