Minutes of Bike Meeting

Minutes for Special Joint Meeting between the Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee of Urban Transportation Commission and the University of Texas Bicycle Committee
Thu., May 6, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. Trinity Parking Garage (TRG) at 1815 Trinity St. Conference Room
UTC members present: Tommy Eden, chair Mike Dahmus
UT Bicycle Committee members and UT staff members present: Gordon Novak Colleen Fisher David Rea Bob Harkins
Others present: Bob Sessa Preston Tyree Stuart Werbner
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Gordon Novak and Bob Harkins explained that the East Riverside area has a significant number of University of Texas students living there--about 7,000 to 10,000. The discussion focused around possible routes from E. Riverside Dr. to the UT campus. Among the suggestions were Pleasant Valley Rd., Waller Creek downtown, and the long proposed boardwalk on the south shore of Town Lake for crossing Interstate 35. Although some bicycle lanes for Pleasant Valley Rd. are already funded, other solutions, such as the boardwalk, are longer term.
Colleen Fisher reported that all UT shuttle buses are now equipped with bike racks.
Gordon Novak suggested the need for bicycle lanes on W. 21st St. between Guadalupe and Speedway. He added that there was a hole in the pavement--not a pothole, but a deep hole for a utility access--on W. 21st St. halfway between Whitis St. and University Ave. For eastbound W. 24th St. at Guadalupe St., he explained that there is a right-turn-only lane. He suggested that bicycles be permitted to continue straight from the right lane there.
Tommy Eden reported that the UTC had recommended sharrows for Guadalupe and Lavaca Streets downtown, and that these routes are important transportation routes for bicyclists commuting to and from the UT campus. Mike Dahmus suggested that sharrows could be an option for W. 24th St., where the four lanes are especially narrow.
Tommy Eden was concerned about the need for cooperation between the University of Texas and the City of Austin in order to get bicycle lanes on Dean Keeton St. (26th St.). Mike Dahmus said that the UTC had been told that the University Master Plan called for angle parking on 26th St., but that the UTC had suggested that angle parking was not compatible with bicycle lanes, and that bicycle lanes would be preferable. Bicycle lanes have a tendency to reduce the speed of the traffic. David Rae explained that the Master Plan did not specifically state that Dean Keeton should have angle parking, but that any effort to reduce traffic speeds would be welcome. He said that angle parking was not currently being considered for Dean Keeton St. Mike Dahmus suggested that the City of Austin should propose a plan and the City should get concurrence from the University before proceeding. Tommy Eden agreed to prepare a proposal for Dean Keeton St.
Time did not allow thorough discussion of this issue, but the subcommittees will meet again later this year. There was brief discussion about the issue of bicycle theft on campus and the need for more secure bicycle parking. This issue should be on the agenda at the next joint meeting.
This presentation was brief, because time was running short. David Rae explained that the UT Campus Master Plan and the Transportation Plan focus on pedestrian traffic. Speedway was closed with the idea that San Jacinto St. would take the vehicular traffic. UTC members were concerned that closing Speedway has not encouraged bicycling on campus.


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