Getting Around

Last update: February 2018

 On this page

Bike Rentals
Buses, buses w/bike racks
Hike & Bike Trails
Mountain Biking
Taxicab Rates

 On other pages

How to Not Get Hit By Cars
Maps & Routes
Bike Lanes
Bike Racks (for parking)
Theft (prevention/recovery)
Roadway Improvements
Triggering Traffic Signals



Taking your bike on the bus. Most city buses have bike racks on the front which hold multiple bikes. This can greatly increase your mobility. Now you don't have to worry about getting a flat tire, getting caught in the rain, or running out of energy -- if any of that happens, just take the bus home (and take your bike with you)!

Most of the city buses have bike racks on front.  The schedule booklet clearly indicates which of the few routes don't serve cyclists.  You can also check on bike rack availability for your route by calling Capital Metro at 474-1200.

Also, note that even if your bus accepts bikes, if the rack on the front is already filled with bikes, you'll have to wait for the next bus. (Fortunately, the racks are rarely full.)

Bus fares. Buses are free if you're a UT student. Otherwise it's $1.25 (regular) or $1.75 (Express or Rail) for a single-ride, or $2.50 to $3.50 for a 24-hour pass.

Ozone Action Days. On days when the amount of ground-level ozone is particularly high, they're declared "Ozone Action Days" (OADs). Buses used to be free on those days, but I've heard that was discontinued circa 2012. Also, as James Burnside notes, "The City does not run its lawn crews [on OADs] and advises all city employees to fill city vehicles late in the afternoon. Other than that it's business as usual. (sigh)"

You can check whether today is an OAD at the TCEQ website. Also, you can get on TCEQ's mailing list or the Clean Air Force's mailing list and they'll let you know when it's an OAD.


Austin has several miles of hike & bike trails.

MOUNTAIN BIKING generally doesn't cover mountain biking issues, but here are a couple of resources we have:

* Here's a link to the Austin Ridge Riders web site.

* Here's Jim Summers' review of some local (Austin) trails.

Uber, Lyft & other TNC's

Uber and Lyft waged an ugly battle trying to overturn city regulations requiring that their drivers go through fingerprinted background checks.  It was a horrible subversion of democracy, yet another example of corporations tryings to write their own laws.  A non-profit alternative to them is RideAustin, whose app is available for both iOS and Android.  For taxis:

452-9999 American Yellow Checker Cab
478-2222 Austin Cab
472-1111 Yellow Checker Cab


Car2Go has a fleet of cars all over the city that you can rent by the minute.  Use an app or their website to find a car close to you, press your access card against the card reader on the windshield to unlock it, then get in and go.  Rates (as of 9/16) are $35 to sign up and 38ยข per minute (max $14/hr or $73/day), plus tax.

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