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There is an unfortunate pile of sand in the bike lane at Whitis and 30th that has been there for quite some time. Unfortunately, while riding last night, I forgot about this sand and my bike slid sideways causing me to break my arm. I have learned that one of my friends slipped on it over a year ago, she dialed 311 to complain but nothing was done. I have also complained via 311.
Do we as cyclists have any legal rights to a clear and safe bike lane? Who is responsible for cleaning this up and why wasn't it done? It seems pretty easy and cheap to fix.
I am not 100% sure about the legality issue, but I do know that 311 isn't perfect. When you are done with your 311 call, the operator will give you a number. Write it down. If the problem has not been addressed in two weeks, call 311 again and use the number as a reference. The operator will then be able to put you in direct contact with the person that is responsible for implementing the service request. I know it seems like a pain. But, there is a lot to the saying, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." We get that as cyclists, right? Sometimes departments are seeing many requests a day. However, I got one yesterday, e-mailed two folks and they were in the field immediately checking it out. You just have to be persistent. When you see a problem, report it immediately, and then follow up. YOU are the eyes and ears out there. The City depends on you. I know that retroactive maintenance is a drag, but it is the best tool we have. While we do have a regular street sweeping schedule, limited funds cannot get hundreds of sweepers out there all the time.
also...can you give me a call and let me know the exact location? I need to know direction of travel, and corner. I can also help you access your Service Request Number if you have lost it. I am at 974-7142.
Thank you Nadia. It was wonderful talking to you. Thank you for the work you and the city of Austin bicycle program people do.
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