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Capital City AMBUCS is a small local non profit who promotes abilities, not disabilities. Our goal is to provide children & adults with disabilities with the opportunity to ride bikes. Members accomplish the organization's mission by raising funds through donations and fundraiser's to purchase and provide Amtrykes (adaptive tricycles) to applicants on the wait list at no cost to the family.
CycleBar has partnered with Capital City AMBUCS to host a charity spin class. 100% of proceeds from the class will go to Capital City AMBUCS toward purchasing Amtrykes
When: Sat., Jan. 29th 11:45-1pm
What: Cost is $25 and includes 45 minute ride, shoes, towel, swag bag, and a chance to win raffle prizes.
We hope you will join us as we KEEP AUSTIN TRYKIN’!
Class size is limited. Reserve your spot today:
1. Visit
2. Select Saturday 01/29
3. Click “Reserve” for class “Benefitting Capital City
AMBUCS” @ 12:15 pm
4. Create an account to complete reservation
interested in learning more about us or getting involved-
Facebook: Capital City AMBUCS
Instagram: capitalcityambucs
Follow us on Twitter: @CaptlCityAMBUCS
Last edited by amherring (2022-01-25 18:41:02)
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