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I'm not planning on dying any time soon, but I'm making my will, and I'd like to leave the website to a good home. That is, someone who would do something meaningful / advocacy-oriented with it, rather than just sell it. The domains (including are probably worth something.
I'd also consider gifting it to someone now if s/he has a plan for doing something with it now.
I briefly considered Bike Austin, but given that they don't even keep their own site updated, they clearly don't have time to deal with another one. Also, I asked the previous director if she'd post Bike Austin events here but she said she was too busy.
The site isn't a money-maker. Last month the Google ads returned a whopping $3.58.
With all that in mind, any takers?
I'd be happy to keep the site going if you were out of the picture (though I hope you're in the picture for many more decades!)
I don't know that I'd do too much with it beyond keeping the site running pretty much as-is, however.
Okay, thanks Doug!
The more I think about it, the more I'd like to give it away now, to someone who might do something more with it. Any takers for that offer?
Don't everyone answer at once. :)
Man, this site really has little value if I can't even *give* it away.
Um, where do Austin bike activists hang out these days online?
Don't everyone answer at once. :)
Man, this site really has little value if I can't even *give* it away.
Um, where do Austin bike activists hang out these days online?
Facebook. Most of the folk I personally know who are heavily involved all coordinate through Facebook or google groups, or in person over beers.
I hope this site doesn't go away! I don't use facebook, but it sounds like a lot of stuff ends up there. Beers are always nice, though.
I'm interested! What do you need? --Patricia Schaub
Thanks for your interest, Patricia. I emailed you privately, but I'm mentioning that here because Yahoo sometimes puts messages from me into users' spam folders.
For anyone else who might be mulling this over, here's how I answered Patricia's question.
Hi Patricia, and thanks for your interest! I basically want to make sure that the site is going to a good home. So, how many hours per week or month would you expect to spend on it? Would you be more interested in adding new content or just maintaining the existing content? How do you feel the site could best serve the community?
Thank you Michael! I got your email and sent a reply a few minutes ago. --Patricia
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