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Got a mailer from Jeff Travillion, running for County Commissioner, Precinct 1. He wants to take the tolls off SH130 (boo), and thinks that will somehow relieve congestion on I-35 (ridiculous -- the mailer says, "Stuck in traffic? Jeff Travillion has a plan!").
I plan on voting for James Nortey, whom Bike Austin has endorsed in that race—though you wouldn't know it from their website, since their home page doesn't appear to have been updated since September. I did send them another invitation to post their news and events here on this forum, but they said they're too busy. So here I make my periodic plea for any Bike Austin members on this list to post the news here that Bike Austin sends out to their own mailing list. Any takers?
Dear Larry,
Over the last several months, Bike Austin staff has met with candidates in several political races for local office. We have informed these candidates on important bicycling policy and encouraged them to embrace protected bicycle infrastructure and pro-bike policies.
This year, we've decided to endorse candidates in two races - Travis County District Attorney and Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 1. We acknowledge that there are great candidates in several other races - including for House District 49 and Sheriff though we decided that the distinctions between the candidates on our issues did not merit our making endorsements for the time being. We encourage you to read up on the candidates for all these races, and contact the people running for office to express your support for pro-bike, pro-walk policies.
Early voting is on now through Friday, February 26th, and Election Day is Tuesday, March 1st. Click here to find your closest polling location. Early voting locations are open on Sunday.
Here are our choices:
District Attorney - Gary Cobb
As bicyclists, we've become accustomed to learning of charges being dropped against drivers who kill or seriously injure bicyclists. The District Attorney's office, in many ways, has the most power of any position to begin holding reckless drivers accountable in these situations, and Gary Cobb has the legal background and first-hand experience as a bicyclist to understand the importance of bringing dangerous drivers to justice. Gary is committed to bolstering the Austin Police Department's crash investigation training, better educating grand jurists and training prosecutors on the intricacies of transportation law - all critical facets to giving crash victims and their families a fair shake at justice and restitution.
County Commissioner, Precinct One - James Nortey
County Commissioners play several key roles in shaping bicycling in Travis County. They can weigh in on County road projects and support accommodations to keep bicyclists safe on some of our best recreational routes. They appoint members of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Board of Directors - a critical seat that can help shape millions of dollars of shared-use path infrastructure along toll road projects. And - especially in Precinct One - they help steer development in some of the fastest-growing areas of our City. James Nortey supports protected bike lanes, multi-modal transportation systems and development that is walkable, bikeable and sustainable. He envisions communities in East Austin in which people of all ages and abilities can ride a bicycle safely to work, school or on errands. We share that vision.
Mercedes Feris
PS - You can vote TODAY at early voting locations. Click here to find your nearest voting location.
Become A Member Of Bike Austin! STAY CONNECTED
BikeTexas Endorses Todd Radford for Travis County Sheriff & Gina Hinojosa for State Representative District 49
Texas' Primary Election is Tomorrow, March 1
BikeTexas encourages all Texans to head to their polling place and vote in the Texas primary elections, tomorrow, March 1. (Not sure where your polling place is? Visit
BikeTexas is pleased to endorse Todd Radford in the Democratic race for Travis County Sheriff. Mr. Radford has experience and understanding of the issues facing people who ride bikes in Travis County. We believe he will be a fair and effective leader of the department to the benefit of all road users in the county.
BikeTexas is also pleased to endorse Gina Hinojosa in the Texas State Representative District 49 Democratic race. As a longtime member of the school board, Ms. Hinojosa knows the value and benefit of biking and walking, especially for children being able to bike or walk to school. Ms. Hinojosa has a proven record of bringing people together and will be an effective legislator for people who bike and walk.
Please exercise your right to vote!
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