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So I had a new experience on a bicycle today. After riding more than ten years I was pulled over (relative term) for failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign on Spicewood Parkway and Cedar Crest.
I'm guessing that maybe some people in the neighborhood complained about cyclists or something because the first officer (who wasn't very pleasant) said, "You want the same rights as cars then you WILL follow the same rules, THAT is what this is about."
So I'm guessing they were there specifically for cyclists.
I only got a warning, I suppose because I had never been stopped before.
I told the first officer that I wasn't aware that I had done anything wrong... he was pretty belligerent and said, "OH really?" as if I must have known I was a complete criminal for my offense.
Anyhoo... he passed off my license to the second officer (I assume because he didn't want to deal with me) who was very nice and just said that I needed to come to a complete stop next time. Took my info and made me sign the little UPS looking thing and I was on my way.
Just as I was about to leave two more cyclists came through but they didn't even slow down at the sign (they wen't straight and didn't turn) and the first guy (the not so nice one) was off to get them and he grumbled something as he left that I couldn't understand.
I'm guessing he didn't like cyclists too much. Which seemed odd since they were both motorcycle cops... but anyway.
If you're riding on Spicewood Parkway make sure you come to a complete stop :)
If the cops used that line on me ("You want the same rights as cars then you WILL follow the same rules"), I'd counter with, "If you want cyclists to follow the same rules, then you WILL cite drivers who break the same rules." When a driver ran a red light and killed cyclist Ben Clough, the police didn't even give her a traffic ticket. But fail to put your feet down at a Stop sign on a bike, and suddenly the police treat you like a mass murderer.
I go thru there almost daily. The locals probably complain about the 90+% of cars that don't come to a complete stop, especially when Jr is behind the wheel. APD routinely stake out that intersection. So where were they ambushing from-that big, shady oak on Cedar Crest? Keep an eye out at the Olsen/Spicewood interesection at the top of the hill as they occasionally hang out in the townhomes on the southside.
Yeah they were behind that big tree :)
I'll definitely keep a look out for them at Olsen thanks!
I bike through there at least twice a week commuting to work.
If the cops used that line on me ("You want the same rights as cars then you WILL follow the same rules"), I'd counter with, "If you want cyclists to follow the same rules, then you WILL cite drivers who break the same rules." When a driver ran a red light and killed cyclist Ben Clough, the police didn't even give her a traffic ticket. But fail to put your feet down at a Stop sign on a bike, and suddenly the police treat you like a mass murderer.
Wow that's pretty awful... they didn't even give her a ticket? That seems odd. Seems like she would have been arrested or at the very least have to go to court on manslaughter charges.
Yeah the first officer was not nice at all. The second one was nice and was obvious he was just doing his job... but the first really seemed angry from the start.
I know we've all encountered people who, for whatever reason, don't like cyclists. I think he was likely in that camp, or was having a really bad day.
Last edited by Imatk (2012-07-12 12:38:31)
I commute daily through that intersection for the past 4 years, and I saw them there today. One of them had just pulled over a car, the other one was in the usual spot near the tree on Cedar Crest. I didn't put my foot down at the stop sign, but did come to pretty much a complete stop before standing on the pedals and making the turn. I said "morning" to the cop as I went by, and got a gruff "morning" in reply. This is probably the 4th or 5th time I've seen them stake out this spot over those years. On one other occasion, I got yelled at as I went by to stop at the stop sign. I turned around and told the cop that I thought I did. He said "OK" and waved me on.
That's cool that they didn't pull you over. I didn't come to a complete stop, I slowed down to an almost stop, but definitely didn't completely stop.
The guy that gave you the reply was probably the first guy that talked to me hehe.
Wow that's pretty awful... they didn't even give her a ticket? That seems odd. Seems like she would have been arrested or at the very least have to go to court on manslaughter charges.
Welcome to the party. Lack of justice for cyclists has been an issue in this community for a long time. Click "Justice" in the menu at the top of this page for some sobering reading.
The driver in the case I mentioned *did* eventually go to court, but was sentenced only to probation for killing Ben Clough. She never spent a minute in jail, and she never paid a dime of fine. Not even a traffic ticket for running the red light.
This could be part of the crackdown on victims announced by APD a couple of weeks ago.
This could be part of the crackdown on victims announced by APD a couple of weeks ago.
That's funny... and a cop just hit a pedestrian two days ago!
Perhaps they should heed some of their own advice? … -crosswalk
And I love how they were suspended for a whole day and three whole days!!
Now that's what I call justice!!
Last edited by Imatk (2012-07-13 21:47:42)
Pages: 1
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