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I live in College Station, TX. I am trying to find out which are the most dangerous intersections for cyclists in Austin. Can you please help me? Thanks!
I might be wrong, but I think most fatalities in Austin have not been on intersections. My impression is that they have occurred on streets with cyclists riding alongside traffic and most seem to be hit from behind.
Does anyone have actual figures?
I don't have the exact figures, but I'm pretty sure Bike Texas does. I recall the data showing that struck from behind is the highest number of fatalities, but not the highest number of crashes, which makes sense. You're much likelier to survive a right hook, a sidewalk-related crash or even a left turn collision, methinks.
Thanks for taking the time to post. I am actually working on a research project that aims at reducing cyclist accidents in the Austin area. For this I need to pick a project site for implementation. I am looking for a signalized intersection (one that already has traffic lights) which is also busy with cycle traffic. I am guessing more accidents can happen here because of automobiles colliding with left turning cyclists (or even a cyclist turning right or going straight) because of heavy traffic and low visibility. Busy traffic can also be determined by peak times. If you give me a few names of cross streets that are potential candidates I can look up crash data at these locations.
I would vote for Speedway at 29th, simply because of the heavy bike traffic, confusing 5 way intersection, and the fact that the worst bicycle offenders seem to be college students. Sqt Walker said a rider was clocked at 27mph going through the stop sign there.
I think that intersection should be transformed into a traffic circle. It's wide enough and would make things a lot more efficient and safer if road users learn how to properly use them.
Thanks Rich00, your info is going to be very useful for me.
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