#1 Re: Commuting/Routes » Best route to get from Rundberg/Lamar to St. David's 32nd » 2017-01-13 13:36:51

RedFalcon wrote:

If you take Georgian/Guadalupe to behind the DPS office there is a short pedestrian/cycle path at the west end of W Skyview Road.   Then, zig zag over to Koenig / Avenue F since there is a light there.  I would get on Duval after that to 32nd.

Do you think it's easier/faster to cross at Skyview than Guad.?  Do bikes set off the sensor there or are the lights set on timer?

#2 Commuting/Routes » Best route to get from Rundberg/Lamar to St. David's 32nd » 2017-01-13 11:53:46

Replies: 3

Trying to see if there's any good sneak cuts (across the RR tracks) to get on to Red River or tips on navigating the Airport-Koenig/290 intersection.

I'll be riding early - 6am.

Plus look for the least amount of elevation change.


#3 Re: Justice Issues / Collisions » The Bluejays will buy a car and give up bicycling » 2013-11-15 17:33:11


I never had a problem with it either, mainly because of my instructor.  I think it's one of those things where a wild rumor starts about how hard it is to do and snowballs amongst learners.  They often give up thinking it's way above their skill level.  Not saying it can be difficult at times.  It's probably the one thing that makes drivers the most nervous.  I seen people go completely out of their way to avoid PP.

#4 Re: Justice Issues / Collisions » The Bluejays will buy a car and give up bicycling » 2013-11-15 17:23:51

MichaelBluejay wrote:

It's the opposite.

For 18-24 year olds, there's a new requirement that they must take and pass a class, either in-person or online.  Before this, any person 18+ didn't have to have any kind of training.  Now they do.  This is in response to the fact that 18-24 year olds are responsible for more crashes than any other age group.

That's good to hear.  Has the written test has been updated?

#5 Re: Justice Issues / Collisions » The Bluejays will buy a car and give up bicycling » 2013-11-15 14:57:23


Did they get rid of the driving courses?  I remember years ago that they were easing the requirements for learner's permits - at least in my hometown.  Driver's ED in my day seemed to take almost all summer and required many hours of supervised driving time.  And then you had pass the dreaded ride along test with parallel parking -dum dum duummm!

I actually learned a lot from that course and the wisdom of my driving instructor has proved invaluable in driving and cycling.  It would be shame (and dangerous) if the State is cutting corners and relaxing requirements just to get people into cars.

I would occasional see the Driver's Ed cars on Woodrow.  Students were mixed - kids and adults.

#6 Re: Equipment (Discussion, For sale) » What bike(s) do you ride for commuting ? » 2013-11-15 14:46:42


Ha! That 2nd pic is the model I ride.  Feeling pretty proud right now.  Maybe I should post a pic.

#7 Re: Equipment (Discussion, For sale) » What bike(s) do you ride for commuting ? » 2013-11-15 12:27:39


I ride my dad's old Bridgestone RB-T.  He picked it up used in the 90's and rode across the country in it.  I finally got into cycling and he gave it to me.

Brooks B17 - My 1st.  Wore out my dad's about 4 years ago.
Rear rack that just barely fits the frame.  Novaro water-proof panniers that I just repaired yesterday with silver ducktape.
Cheapo fenders - cardboard zip-tied
brass bell
Drop bars with end shifters.  Yellow/black speckled bar tape

Everything else has always been there and I haven't ever learned what it is.  I do have a unique stem that's garnered interest from other cyclist.

#8 Re: Commuting/Routes » How far is your commute ? » 2013-11-15 11:31:50

AusTexMurf wrote:
AWG wrote:

Mine's just under 15 miles (there and back).  Moved at the end of August, so it's fairly new.  Really simple and direct with bike lanes practically the whole way.  The only way to improve it is to add bike lanes on Lamar.

North Austin (Lamar/Kramer) to UT.

Previous commutes were 2 North and one South:
Anderson/Burnet to UT
Lanier HS to UT
Teri Rd to UT

Remarkably, they've all been around the same mileage wise.  The South route was my 1st and probably roughest commute.

I remember Parkfield/Fairfield/Georgian all being very bike friendly, north of 183.
Woodrow or Shoal Creek might add a bit of distance but nice diversity.

I used Woodrow for the Anderson/Burnet route.  While the cars travel pretty fast there, it was nothing like Shoal Creek - I called it Mopac Light.  People do have a hard time stopping at stop signs on Woodrow, though.  One intersection was particularly bad.  Saw the aftermath of 2 car collision where the jaws of life where needed.  My old roommate, cycling home from work, got t-boned by motorcycle there too.

When I was near Lanier, I did Fairfield to Woodrow.  Didn't have the nice bike lane back then.
I've really been impressed by all the lanes that have been added recently.

Georgian's great, but has some chip-seal heavy spots on the east side of the road and one just past the creek bend on the west side.  There's also two spots that could be pretty nasty for a novice.

#9 Re: Commuting/Routes » How far is your commute ? » 2013-11-14 11:50:12


Mine's just under 15 miles (there and back).  Moved at the end of August, so it's fairly new.  Really simple and direct with bike lanes practically the whole way.  The only way to improve it is to add bike lanes on Lamar.

North Austin (Lamar/Kramer) to UT.

Previous commutes were 2 North and one South:
Anderson/Burnet to UT
Lanier HS to UT
Teri Rd to UT

Remarkably, they've all been around the same mileage wise.  The South route was my 1st and probably roughest commute.

#10 Re: Equipment (Discussion, For sale) » What kind of tires are you rolling ? Size, Total Mileage, Flats ? » 2013-11-14 11:32:28


I'm using Panaracer Crosstown 700x35C right now.  Can't remember when I bought them - at least in the last year.  I'm not picky - just have to be 35's and have tread.  Lowest I'll go now is 700x32, but I started out riding 28s.  I don't log miles or keep an active repair journal.  Fixed a slow puncture leak about 3 weeks ago.  1st time in about 9 months or more.

#11 Re: Justice Issues / Collisions » The Bluejays will buy a car and give up bicycling » 2013-11-05 15:01:50


I've lately noticed this kind of motorist behavior popping up more recently.   It really picked up around the return of students to UT.  I had two near misses on Guad/38th (inches) with cars accelerating and turning directly in front and one at Georgian/183 (it's that 2-5 second delay that really irks to them, huh?). 

We recently moved further north and now my commute is extended - longer miles wise, but much more direct thus making travel time very close to the previous route.  My wife and I have already talked about and except the fact that I could be killed every time I go and return from work.  She was distraught the other day when I came home late and she had missed my phone call.  I've consider myself lucky with only 3 collisions in 6 years. 

We own a Honda Fit that she uses for work. 

I sympathize with your feeling of defeat.

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