Downtown Roadway Improvements
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Celia Mulder writes on Nov. 3, 2002

There is an important agenda item for us at Thursday's City Council meeting for this Thursday, November 7, 2002: around 6:30pm...    The meeting will be in the LCRA Board Room at 3700 Lake Austin Blvd. 

#32. (6:30 P.M.)  Approve a resolution authorizing implementation of  the Near Term Central Business District (CBD) Transportation  Recommendations. (Implementation of all 15 projects recommended in  the Near Term CBD Transportation Study would be funded in the  following manner: $5.6 million from the City and $11.9 million from  the 2001 thru 2004 CMTA 1/4 cent rebate.) (Reviewed by Arts in  Public Places Panel, Historic Landmark Commission, and Planning  Commission; recommended with conditions by Urban Transportation  Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Design Commission, and  Downtown Commission; recommended approval of Streetscape Standards  by Forestry Board; and recommended denial by Parks Board.)

Here's the low-down:

Most of the staff recommendations deal with changing downtown  streets from one-way to two-way.  The only recommendation for  bicycle facilities among the staff's 19 recommendations was for the  Lance Armstrong Bikeway.  The staff recommendations did not include  any improvements on Guadalupe or Lavaca Streets.  Among the  recommendations from the Urban Transportation Commission was a  suggestion that the city should implement bicycle lanes on Guadalupe  and Lavaca downtown immediately, before any of the other changes.

It would be useful to get some people to show up at the City Council  meeting on Thursday at 6:30 to remind the City Council that these bike  lanes are a higher priority than any of the staff recommendations.  The meeting will be in the LCRA Board Room at 3700 Lake Austin Blvd.

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