Justice for cyclists?
Here are all the local cases we know of in which the motorist was at fault, didn't try to flee, and received at least a traffic ticket for their crime. (Yes, there's only one.)

John Howell (4-16-98, 7:30pm) ... diagram of collision (#5)

John Howell was traveling east on Steck, crossing Mopac, and was hit by a car traveling west and making a left turn to go south on the access road. John suffered a broken leg and a grade 3 separation of his right shoulder. The driver actually got a ticket (for failure to yield right of way)! John got a lawyer (Patricia Kelly) before he left the emergency room. As of July '98, John expected it to take another month or so to settle with the motorist. John is former president of the Austin Cycling Association. If an experienced cyclist like John Howell can get hit by a car that he could see in front of him, we all can.

Also check out the Harassment from Motorists page.

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